Friday, April 24, 2015

DIY Foaming Hand soap

I love foaming hand soap! It makes hands feel way cleaner than the liquid variety, and it seems to last longer. My favorite hand soap from WholeFoods is $5 a pop, so I thought, "hey, I should make my own."! And so I did. 

Supplies you will need:

Pour castille soap into soap pump container. Add essential oils of your choice. Fill the container the rest of the way (slowly) with cold water. Gently "swish" to combine. And Wah laa! Foaming hand soap! No yucky ingredients like triclosan, artificial fragrances or dyes;  and made for about 1/4 of the cost of purchasing it at the store. 
*Will you need to invest in a foaming soap pump (I got mine at Target) or you can repurpose a pump from a store bought soap. 

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