Wednesday, February 18, 2015

My Day in Plates!

Happy Wednesday! 
Today I thought I would share my "day in plates." :)
For the past six weeks weeks I have been (temporarily...I hope) eating a high protein/fat, low-no carbohydrate diet to help heal my eczema. It's been a hard transition! I've gone from eating meat 2-3 times a week to eating it 2-3 times a day! I think I'm finally finding a good balance. I'm doing my best to  be very regimented in the way I'm currently eating, but I'm also being realistic. I don't want to live in a bubble, so if someone invites me over to their house for a meal or if I'm out at a restaurant, I eat the "best" option available. I also plan ahead. If I'm going to a party I make sure I eat a meal before I go, or bring a dish to share, this way I'm not tempted to cheat from being hungry. I will often cook more meat in order to have leftovers for fast and easy lunches. 

So...Here is what I eat in a typical day! 

1) Breakfast: Chocolate-mint protein smoothie.

2) Lunch: Turkey burger on a bed of herbs, and half an avocado.

3) Afternoon snack: "Granola" Toasted coconut with raw almonds and pecans. I eat it with a sprinkle of cinnamon, a dash of salt, a couple drops of liquid stevia, and almond or coconut milk.

4) Dinner: Broiled tilapia with herbs, mashed cauliflower, and roasted asparagus. 

I think the most challenging thing I've found about eating this way is that it's very time consuming to have to cook so much meat. I definitely have to meal plan to make this work! Also, I really miss sandwiches. And chocolate. And Raisins. Like a lot. 

I'm trying to convince myself that these are somehow low carb...because of the peanut butter. 


Friday, February 6, 2015

Journey On! 5 Simple Things to Remember When on the Path to Healing

Disease. Dis-ease. The word literally means, "lack of ease" or "inconvenience." And isn't that the truth?! Illness and disease really are an inconvenience. I don't know about you, but I just don't have time for it! :)

For the past three years I have been "dealing" with a chronic, pesky "inconvenience"  known as eczema. Ec-zah-mah. Or is it Ec-zeeee-mah? Regardless of how you pronounce it, it's terrible. It's a vicious cycle of dry, red, hot, wet, flaky, ITCHY skin, and just when you think it's over and you are feeling "normal" again, it comes raging back full force (usually in the middle of the night) making your body feel as though it has been dripped in hell fire. It's maddening! It's discouraging! It distracts you from truly LIVING life.  And here's the thing...I've tried EVERYTHING to heal my skin. Everything (or so I thought). All the supplements out there that claim to promote and nourish skin, lotions, creams, medicinal body washes, foods that promote healthy skin cell regeneration (i.e. $11 for 7 wheat grass shots...sigh.), salt spas, infrared saunas, acupuncture, steroid ointments (yuck!), books that claim to have the latest "answer" or "cure" etc.etc.etc. I detoxed! I juiced!  And although, some things did give me some relief, it was still there! I'm a health coach! I should know what to do, right? 

In early October my eczema symptoms began to get increasingly worse. By December my "moderate" eczema had become so severe that there were days when I literally couldn't raise my arms over my head for fear my skin would crack open. 

This was my skin the middle of December 2014.

In December, I started consulting with my chiropractor regarding my eczema and allergies.  He did a nutritional analysis, recommended I take a few targeted supplements, and avoid certain foods. This made a tremendous difference in my skin! AMAZING! But I still found that some foods triggered eczema reactions, and there didn't seem to be a rhyme or reason. In the mean time, I (well...actually my mom) made an appointment for me to see a doctor in Pennsylvania that practices integrative medicine. His treatment protocol for eczema using nutritional  IV therapies has been very successful. This was a huge leap in my healing journey, and I am happy to say that I am seeing incredible results! I have more energy and I just "feel" better. But...healing hasn't been instantaneous. My body didn't get sick over night, so I have to be patient as it heals. I've also had to work hard to get better, being disciplined in adjusting my diet, and taking my supplements. It's a huge relief to finally have answers. And it's the little things too you know? Like getting up in the morning and putting on clothes without thinking, "What clothes should I wear that will hide most of my eczema and not make me itchy?" or having to vacuum my bed (just keeping real) because my skin is so dry, or being itchy ALL THE TIME! Simply put, I'm just so grateful!

My skin 6 weeks later: 95% eczema free! 

Here are the 5 things that have helped me as I am pursuing health and healing:

1) Find the best doctor for your "dis ease."
    This has definitely been the best decision I've made! One I wish I had done sooner. In the 
    past, I made many appointments with local  doctors and was given no answers or
    solutions. I even went to an"integrative" doctor locally and came out of the office with 
    another prescription for a steroid ointment. For me, traveling 5 hours to see a doctor that 
    is skilled and knowledgeable about the health issues I'm facing is a small sacrifice. 

2) Invest in your health. 
    Healing your body may not be "cheap," but it will be worth it! I promise.  I will admit that
    as I was considering the cost of the treatment that my doctor recommended, I began 
    to panic, but I had to think long term. Did I really want to live my life constantly trying to 
   "manage" my symptoms? Um, no. I truly see this as an "investment." This is the only body 
    I'll ever have and keeping it healthy is important, and ultimately a priority. (But hey, you 
    know what was costlier? All those products I purchased that did nothing.) Personally, I am
    "investing" in my health by getting regular chiropractic adjustments, proper nutrition 
    through "real" whole foods, essential oils, and IV therapies.

3) Find a wellness advocate.
    Regardless if your doctor is local or not, find someone who can be an advocate for you 
    during  your healing journey i.e. health coach (*wink*), chiropractor etc.   
    Someone you trust to help and support you as you navigate toward your health goals and

4) Stop it with the "self diagnosing."
    Just stop. I know this is hard because I've been there. I also know what an emotional 
    roller  coaster this can cause; especially if you don't know how to get better. You will 
    literally try anything!  I've talked myself into having so many ailments that it's not even 
    funny! This only causes unnecessary stress on your body and rarely (if ever!) gives    
    sufficient  results. 

5) Quiet you mind.
   When you are struggling with an illness it can be all consuming, exhausting, and 
   isolating. It can influence everything you do/think/eat, and sometimes you forget that
   there's a whole world out there that you're missing out on. Find time to relax and do
   things you enjoy and  just be "normal" a book, get a massage, go hiking, take a yoga 
   class, meditate and pray, meet up with a friend for a tea or coffee date, plan a game  
   night, think of ways you can serve and bless others (I think this is an awesome way to stop
   thinking about how you're feeling, and turn the focus to someone else.).

Healing from any type of illness is not easy. It takes focus. Determination. Guidance. Consistency. Gratitude. It is also knowing that even if nothing changes, my hope is the One who WILL make ALL things new  (even my skin cells!) 


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