Thursday, July 10, 2014

Peace, Love and... Young Living Essential Oils

So...I decided to stop messin' around and get serious about my essential oil use. I had used a plethora of different oils over the years, including Young Living. But I wanted to figure out what would be the BEST option for my health and my wallet.
For over a year I have been researching essential oils and essential oil companies, trying to decide if there really was a difference between a $10 bottle of peppermint EO from my local health food store versus a $20 bottle from some of the more well known essential oil companies.  Through hours and hours of researching articles and doing comparison tests of oils, it is my opinion that there is definitely a difference! 
I also discovered through my research that there are these "oil wars" that seem to be going on between two essential company's about who has the best oils...let me just make it clear that I'm not looking to participate in that, nor was that type of marketing a deciding factor in my final choice. :)

Over a year ago I started researching 4 different essential oil companies; Young Living, doTERRA, and two other smaller companies. One of the smaller companies had AWESOME prices, and since I love a bargain, I decided to order from them and enroll in their affiliate program. That decision was short lived because when I went to pay for my purchase I realized why they had such awesome prices...they were making up for it by charging astronomically for shipping. Seriously! The shipping was about half the price of my entire order. Sheesh! I emptied my cart, and moved on to the next company. They had pretty good prices and the shipping was fair, but it still wasn't what I was looking for in a company. My ultimate decision would be made between Young Living and doTERRA; two great companies with stellar products. How was I ever going to decide! After watching and reading review after review after...well, you get the picture, I made my choice.  It was a brutal decision because I liked them both! But at the end of the day I decided to enroll with Young Living. It's just what I thought would work best for me. So how did I decide? 

Here were my top 5 deciding factors:

  1. I really like that Young Living owns many of their own farms and that they source their plants indigenously. I liked their commitment to the environment, and their farming practices. 
  2. Young Living has a large variety of essential oils and essential oil blends to choose from. Many of the blends I was interested in purchasing were very specific to this company.
  3. I knew that enrolling with an essential oil company would be an investment; I wanted superior products, and also something that was more budget friendly. Young Living's Premium Starter kit (their largest enrollment kit and pictured above) was an awesome value! It comes with 10 oils plus a bonus oil, a diffuser and a variety of samples, a $300 value for $150!
  4.  I also liked that there is no yearly fee. You only need to purchase a minimum of $50 a year in product to maintain your wholesale membership. Which means if you purchase an enrollment kit you don't have to purchase anything else for an entire year, but I think you'll want to. ;) 
  5. Plain and simple? I'm familiar with Young Living Oils.  I have been using their Thieves essential oil blend for years with great results! As well as some of there other popular blends such as Stress Away and Valor. Not to mention two of my all time faves Peppermint and Lemon! 
So there you have it! There are many other little things that influenced my choice, but these are the big ones. Young Living pioneered the essential oil movement and has 20 years of expertise in the the industry! In the end I just went with what worked best for me. I have love love loved diving in and using my new oils and I am already seeing results from using them! So cool! I really see this as a positive investment in my health. It's a win win y'all! If you are interested in learning more about essential oils let me know. I would be happy to help you discover the best option for you! 


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