Friday, January 13, 2017

Snow Day!

Hey hey!!! Yeah, I'm still here.
It's funny that I am sharing about our recent snow day(s) and it's  70 degrees outside. Virginia is funny like that. Sometimes you can experience all four seasons within a period of a week. So as of now, the snow is gone.  But so much fun was had while it was here! One of the most magical things is waking up to freshly fallen snow, and basking in the stillness. And board games, and snowy walks and toasty fires, and cups of hot tea, and mittens, and freshly made scones,  and having your face feel so cold it stings. Annnnd no school for three days (which was a little crazy in my opinion).Yes, these are the things snow days are made of.

I went for a few morning walks because it was just so gorgeous being outside, and since I knew is wasn't going to last long (hence the 70 degree temp) I wanted to soak it all in. Maybe I'm weird, but I enjoy the colder weather. It feels so refreshing and exhilarating. On one of my walks someone stopped and asked if I was "Okay?" and "Did I need a ride?" I told him thanks, but I'm just out enjoying the morning. His response, "Oh. Well, just checking." I'm still not sure he believed me, but...I ain't afraid of no snow. I am however, slightly leery of strange men offering me rides...

I even went barefoot in the snow. You know...grounding. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

DIY Facial Toner

I have never liked toners. They always seemed to dry out my skin and make my face feel super tight. You know, when you try to smile but you can't kind of tight. But...I feel that I'm missing a step if I don't use something between washing my face and applying moisturizer. Apple cider vinegar is incredibly beneficial for your skin health! It helps with age spots, wrinkles, acne; basically it's amazing. I decided to experiment with using it as a toner. I've been using this for the past six months and I love it! I use this is combination with the Sheerlume' moisturizer (this stuff lasts forever because you only need a tiny amount!) from Young Living Essential oils. I have never had perfect skin. It's definitely a problem area for me, but in the past few months I've had people compliment me on my skin. Cool! Now you have another reason to LOVE apple cider vinegar! I bet you didn't think that was possible. 
So go make this. It's super easy and extremely affordable. And don't worry! It won't make you smell like pickles.

You will need:
1- 2 oz. spray bottle (preferably glass)
1 ounce distilled water
1/2 oz. RAW apple cider vinegar
1/2 oz. witch hazel

Combine all ingredients in a spray bottle. Gently shake to combine.

easy peasy. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Have Oils. Will Travel.

I recently had to go out of town for an appointment, and...of course I brought my oils along. This was just a quick trip; I was gone or 2 days. So, I thought I would share what oils (and oil products) I take with me on a short getaways!

Since I was trying to travel light, I only packed the oils I use everyday and then a few "great for travel" oils. 

Here's what I brought! From left to right:

Thieves: I use this oil every day! I put it on the bottoms of my feet to help promote healing from candida, mold and environmental allergies. It's a great support for a healthy immune system. 

Abundance: I use this oil as a perfume. I have a diffuser necklace a friend gave me, so I put one drop on the necklace and another on the back of my neck, of writs.

Endoflex: This is another oil I use daily. I use it to support my endocrine system. I put one drop over my thyroid and another over my adrenals. I put a roller ball attachment of this bottle for easier application. 

Spikenard: This is becoming one of my favorite oils! I use it before bed; one drop in my wrists and neck. The scent is so relaxing! This is a powerhouse essential oil! So many awesome benefits. More about that another time...

Cypress: I usually diffuse this at night. I love the "tree" oils! I find them to be very relaxing and and grounding. I didn't bring my diffuser with me on this trip since I was going to be away for such a short time, so I just put one drop on my wrists and neck with the Spikenard.

Lemon: Lemon is a great oil to travel with! I had it on hand for as a stain remover, as well as to put in my water. This is also part of the "allergy trio" which I find very helpful for allergy related issues.

Digize: If you are traveling, you must have Digize! Great for upset stomach and nausea. Sometimes "things" don't happen as often as they should when you are traveling (and that's all I'm going to say about that...) so this helps you to go while you're on the go. And there you have it. 

Peppermint: I usually don't leave home without peppermint. Great for headaches, nausea, itchy skin, stuffy nose. I also use this in my "allergy trio" i.e. Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint. I also brought Lavender, but for some reason it didn't make it in the picture. 

Other oily favorites:
  • Deep Relief for headache and muscles soreness. I've been putting it on my ankle and neck lately. 
  • Lav lip balm because it's the best ever! I love this stuff! 
  • Thieves Hand Sanitize for public restroom stops etc
  • Thieves spray can be used as a surface spray, room spray, throat spray, or another hand sanitizer option.

I also have been loving some of YL's facial products. The Mint facial scrub and the Sheerlume' moisturizer. I used both of these products in the AM. Quick travel tip: Use a contact case to hold cleanser and moisturizer. It doesn't look like a lot, but this amount will last me for about 4 days! I've also used this same method for toothpaste. 

And that's how I travel with oils! Have any travel tips and favorite oils to travel with? I'd love to hear about it! 

Friday, July 31, 2015

Sparkling ACV Refresher

I am currently obsessed with this apple cider vinegar drink! It sounds weird I know, but trust is wonderfully detoxifying and deliciously refreshing! ACV has so many great health benefits when taken internally, but it's not always pleasant to drink. If you have ever taken an apple cider vinegar "shot" you know what I mean. When you purchase an apple cider vinegar make sure you get a brand that is unfiltered/raw, like Braggs . You can find this brand in most main-stream grocery stores in the "natural foods" section. Other quality brands of ACV are Eden Organics and Spectrum. 

What are some health benefits if Apple Cider Vinegar? 
  • Helps to balance the body's pH levels. 
  • Great for sinus congestion and allergies
  • Can help with heartburn symptoms
  • Helps rid the body of harmful yeast and bacteria
  • Is awesome for overall detoxification
  • A wonderful digestive aid when taken before a meal 
  • ACV has antiviral properties making it a great way to naturally strengthen your immune system
  • Maintaining healthly blood sugar levels
There are many other benefits, but I'll stop there....

ACV Refresher
Makes 1 serving
You will need:
  • 1-2 tablespoons Raw apple cider vinegar 
  • 6-8 ounces sparkling water (Regular water will work fine too in a pinch)
  • 1 drop Lemon essential oil 
  • 15-20 drops liquid stevia (Adjust to your taste preference) 
  • Ice Cubes

  1. Combine all includes is a glass tumbler (Essential oils, especially citrus oils break down plastic, so stick with glass when adding it to your beverages.) 
  2. Stir and enjoy! Great as a pre dinner "cocktail."

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Awesome-Sauce Essential Oil Combinations for Your Diffuser!

Diffusing! This is one of my favorite ways to use my essential oils on a daily basis. Diffusing helps to uplift moods and purify air from odors and airborne pathogens, as well as dispersing the oils into the air for therapeutic inhalation. If you are just starting to incorporate oils into you life, diffusing is an easy (and fun!) way to start! 

Here are some tips for using your diffuser: 
+Use distilled water when diffusing
+Clean your diffuser every 1-2weeks by wiping it out with rubbing alcohol
+ Pick oil combos that are beneficial to your current life circumstance (ex. if you are sick diffuse a wellness EO combo) 

A few Essential Oil Combinations to get you started:

4 drops Peppermint + 4 drops Grapefruit
3 drops En-R-Gee + 2 Drops Lime
4 drops Rosemary + 3 drops Orange
2 drops Lime + 2 drops Lemon + 2 drops Orange
4 drops Citrus Fresh + 3 drops Peppermint
2 drops Peppermint + 2 drops Black Pepper + 3 drops Orange + 1 drop Rosemary 

3 drops Lavender + 3 Drops Tangerine + 2 drops Cedarwood
5 drops Peace & Calming
3 drops Peace & Calming + 2 Drops Lavender
4 drops Valor + 2 drops Cedarwood

3 drops Geranium + 4 drops Lime
4 drops Frankincense + 2 drops Pine or Cypress
3 drops Joy + 3 drops Lemon
4 drops StressAway + 3 drops Peppermint
4 drops Spearmint + 3 drops Lavender + 2 drops Orange
3 drops Orange + 2 drops Lemongrass + 1 drops Ginger
2 Wintergreen + 2 White Fir + 1 Spearmint
1 Ylang Ylang + 2 drops Bergamot + 3 drops Orange + 2 drops Peppermint
4 drops Elemi + 1 drops Ylang Ylang + 2 drops Lavender + 2 drops Lemon

4 drops Thieves + 3 drops Lemon 
3 drops Lemon + 3 drops Lavender + 3 drops peppermint (allergies)
3 drops RC + 2 drops Lavender (respiratory) 
3 drops Thieves + 2 drops Frankincense
5 drops Raven
2 drops Eucalyptus + 2 drops Peppermint + 3 drops Lavender

4 drops Lemongrass + 3 Drops Orange
3 drops Melaleuca + 3 drops Lemon 
3 drops Rosemary + 2 drops Melaleuca + 2 drops Orange
4 drops Purification + 2 drops Lime


What's in your diffuser?

Friday, May 22, 2015

Thin Mint Protein Smoothie (Vegan, Sugar free, Grain free)

I've struggled to find a breakfast that I really love. A healthy breakfast that is. Pancakes, waffles, scones, cinnamon rolls...Honestly, these would ultimately be my preference if "un-healthy" choices didn't matter. But...
In the last few months I have revamped the way I eat. Mindfully approaching what I put in my body. Decreasing carbohydrates. Increasing fats and protein.
I have noticed a huge difference in the way I feel! I have a better energy level, and fewer food cravings (cravings for sugar and high carb foods). 
One thing that I have tried to be really intentional about is having a protein rich breakfast. I have found that easiest way to accomplish this is a protein smoothie. 
Friends, this is my favorite breakfast (currently anyway)! 
I have never liked flavored protein powders on their own, so I like to jack-up my smoothies with healthful add ins and essential oils. 

Thin Mint Protein Smoothie
1 scoop protein powder (I like the vanilla flavor)
              1.5 cups water or non dairy milk
      1 tablespoon Hemp Hearts
   1 tablespoon chia seeds
       1 teaspoon maca powder
     1 teaspoons coconut oil
                       3 teaspoons cacao or carob powder
1 teaspoon cacao nibs (optional)
                  2 drops Young Living peppermint essential oil
          10-15 drops liquid stevia
         A few ice cubes

1) Place all ingredients (except cacao nibs) in blender and blend! 
2) After ingredients are blended, add cacao nibs and blend for 25 seconds. This last step gives the smoothie a nice "chocolate chip" texture. 

***Receive $10 of your first iHerb order of $40 or more when you use the code HDR788 (affiliate coupon code) at check out!*** 

Monday, May 4, 2015

April Favorites

I can't believe that it's already May! Whew! That came fast! I thought I'd share some things I've been loving over the past month.

This Satin Facial Scrub from Young Living is ahhhmazing! I received this little gem in my April ER order. It's this first skin care product from YL that I have tried. It was about $16 wholesale. I was a little surprised at how small the tube was, but I discovered that a tiny bit goes a long way! Back in the day, I was a St. Ives Apricot scrub addict. I used that stuff so much I'm surprised I didn't scrub my face off! Then I went to esthetician for a facial. She ask me what particular things I noticed about my skin. I told her my skin was super oily, and related to her my skin care routine, which included daily scrubbing sessions. Apparently using abrasive exfoliators was actually scraping my skin, causing my skin to produce oils as a way of helping my skin heal. This is why the more I scrubbed, the oilier my skin became. Mystery solved! This exfoliator from Young Living is so gentle! It makes my face feel refreshed, clean and moisturized. It's the perfect facial scrub for the morning. I have been using this about 3 mornings per week. And I love it. 

WholeFoods had an Earth Day sale last month, and all Lifefactory glass water bottles were 25% off! I love this design with the flip top. Right now I'm kind of obsessed with anything "minty green turquoise."

These shoes! This is my second pair of these slip on maryjane Keens. I got a black pair a couple years ago, and I love them so much I thought a second pair was in order. When I received my REI dividend and coupons I treated myself! And saved $30. 

This essential oil! I received this bottle of Elemi essential oil in my March ER order. I had been trying for months to order it, and every time it was out of stock! But finally... This oil's nickname is "poor man's frankincense."  It smells very similar to frankincense, but has a slightly sweeter aroma. It's used to treated and nourish the skin, which is what I use it for most. I put 10-15 drops in a bottle of argan oil to use as my facial moisturizer. It has great "anti-aging" properties.  I've also used it to treat skin wounds. It cost about $21 with a wholesale YL membership

Holy sheets!  These are awesome! I was in desperate need of new sheets. I love these organic cotton sheets from Target. So soft and comfy, and very affordable. Did you know that cotton is one of the most heavily pesticide sprayed crops? Definitely worth spending a few dollars more since you will be lying on them for 8-10 hours a night. Definitely going to be getting a second set. 

What are you loving this spring? 

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